
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election and SCUBA

Yesterday was probably one of my favorite school days. This week, we've been discussing the election-who was running, when it was going to take place, and how people vote. The week before we had discussed Sandy, so when I showed pictures of Obama and Romney one boy asked, "Miss, how come they didn't die in the hurricane?" I guess that's what I get for showing pictures of Sandy's aftermath.

So when the boys came in yesterday morning and saw CNN on the smartboard they asked right away, "Who won? Who won??" I explained that we didn't know, but the news was updating us as votes came in. They saw the map and understood the different colors and what the colors meant, so they started to count the states. 

We usually have reading groups first thing in the morning, which we did. But my guided reading group  became independent reading so I could look at the computer! Finally the results came in (my boys were pulling for Obama so there was a bit of cheering.) After reading, I thanked them for working so nicely and quietly so that I could watch the results.

I asked them "Why do you think the election is so important to me?" Right away they answered, "Miss-it's your home country!" Kuwait boys understand having pride for your country! It was wonderful to see them be so understanding! We even watched a little bit of the first two speeches. They kept asking who I voted for. Emotions mini-lesson: Would I be happy or sad right now if I voted for Romney? Would I be happy or sad right now if I voted for Obama? Who do you think I voted for? 

The excitement wasn't over after the speeches. Mr. Michael the SCUBA diver came in to share a presentation! He showed pictures, video, and his equipment. They boys loved it!! 

I made him put on everything but the wetsuit. Yep-fins too! 

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