
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Classroom Prep!

As I mentioned before, I am teaching 2nd grade on the boys' campus! Here are a few "before" photos of my classroom:

Main entrance to the Boys' Campus
One of the entrances in the school.
The sign says "Our goal is for a creative and gracious generation
that loves its religion and country."

My classroom!

Playground, under a canopy but still very hot.
Hallway to my room. The signs are in Arabic on one side and English on the other.
They say things like "Our language is Arabic."

The first day was overwhelming! Of course, as a first year teacher, setting up my classroom is a slow process! Fortunately, I have a wonderful teacher assistant!!! Eman (pronounced e-mon) came in, started getting things done right away, and helped me figure out what to start with and what can wait a few days. She is bilingual and she helps communicate with the Arabic and Islam teachers and maids.

First day's progress.

Check out the top left hand corner-they installed an interactive projector!

Me and Eman
The bus that takes us to our apartment.

The early bus gets pretty full!

Sorting through boxes and filing cabinets can be a nightmare...but today it was like a treasure hunt! Teacher friends will appreciate my find: Reading A to Z books, all assembled with coordinating lessons, and all are organized! For a first year teacher excited to implement literacy stations this is a great resource!!

I was also given my schedule with Arabic, Islam and specials included. We're assigned periods that are blank, and we decide what they are used for.  For example, periods 1 and 2 are for my instruction, so I chose to teach Language Arts for both. We have 10 Language Arts periods (one being library), 5 Math and 5 Science/Social Studies. Here's my schedule!

If you can't see it, yellow is LA, green is S/SS, and blue is Math. And if you really can't see it, let me summarize....I have so much planning time!!!

So, I have TWO days left to get ready for Parent Orientation on Sunday : ) Don't forget, the weeks are Sunday to Thursday! Can't wait to show some "After" photos!

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